Communicate Across Languages Seamlessly

We seamlessly translate your live events and documents using AI tailored for theological accuracy and make it easy to share your message with the world.

Reach Everyone

Limitless connections to an international audience right in your local assembly

What if the messages you make each week could go beyond your native tongue to people who live all around you but come from other countries? Konvert is the platform that makes that happen. Our cloud-based platform handles spoken word and written text – translating what God gives you so that others can understand it.

Advanced AI
Konvert makes use of the latest advances in AI technology and harnesses them for the benefit of the church. Don’t miss this opportunity to disciple the nations. We will help you use technology for a gospel purpose.
Easy to Use Interface
Konvert doesn’t take months or even days to figure out. You’ll be translating speech and text from day one with no need for special equipment. Simply share your sound or text with our servers over a web browser and we’ll take it from there.
Local Teams
Konvert connects your church’s pastors, staff, and volunteers so that everyone who serves your international community can get involved – at no additional cost. Bring in preachers, bilingual editors, AV workers, and anyone else you want. You don’t have to labor alone as you minister to the people groups represented in your neighborhood.
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